To the tens of thousands of young people who have benefitted from my programmes, workshops and courses over the last fifty years I thank you for the memories; I will always treasure them. To those I upset along the way I apologise, it was never my intent. I gave all that I had every day of my life, I couldn’t have tried harder.
What have I learned on my journey? Surprisingly little! Perhaps the most significant was on the subject of ‘love’. On his deathbed one of the most successful of Canarian businessmen, risen from humble potato farmer to shipping tycoon and grown fabulously wealthy and powerful in the process, was asked by his publicly schooled and somewhat arrogant eldest daughter, ‘so dad, what have you got to tell me about life, what advice have you got for me?’ His response, through his large soft brown eyes:
There is Only Love, Nothing else, Only Love
To this I can add my own postscript:
Without Love, There is Nothing. Absolutely Nothing.
Find Love in your lives- protect, nurture, defend, cherish, treasure, wrap yourself within it all of your days. It is all that you need. Without it you have nothing.
I have run out of love and no longer have the will or energy to carry on. I am sorry. Ed Bentham
What have I learned on my journey? Surprisingly little! Perhaps the most significant was on the subject of ‘love’. On his deathbed one of the most successful of Canarian businessmen, risen from humble potato farmer to shipping tycoon and grown fabulously wealthy and powerful in the process, was asked by his publicly schooled and somewhat arrogant eldest daughter, ‘so dad, what have you got to tell me about life, what advice have you got for me?’ His response, through his large soft brown eyes:
There is Only Love, Nothing else, Only Love
To this I can add my own postscript:
Without Love, There is Nothing. Absolutely Nothing.
Find Love in your lives- protect, nurture, defend, cherish, treasure, wrap yourself within it all of your days. It is all that you need. Without it you have nothing.
I have run out of love and no longer have the will or energy to carry on. I am sorry. Ed Bentham