AWdF receives support from individual donors, trusts and other stakeholders. All of our supporters are important to us. We are determined to spend your generously donated funds, in the most efficient way, to achieve the most for whales and dolphins.
How we use your donations to help whales and dolphins:
Campaigning: AWdF engages the public to raise awareness and affect real change by putting pressure on decision makers on key issues such as captivity and ending bycatch.
Field work and research: AWdF's work is built on the foundation of rigorous science. The evidence and data we need for active conservation comes about through the collaborative long-term research and study of whales and dolphins. AWdF not only collects and analyses its data, but also shares it with multiple research institutions, both Universities and research centres across the Atlantic, to further the collective efforts to protect whales and dolphins around the globe.
Education and outreach: Conservation can only be achieved if enough people care about how amazing whales and dolphins are. AWdF's activities include the production of educational resources for teachers around the world, school visits, presentations to stakeholders in communities, media interviews, and our volunteer programs.
Our offices and fundraising costs: Whales and dolphins exist throughout the global oceans and in many river systems. The issues affecting them are similarly wide-ranging and varied. Our offices in the UK and in the the Canary Islands, in the heart of the Atlantic Ocean, offer truly global scope. We fund the processes, expertise, and fundraising activities that will help us deliver the income and resources we need to achieve our policy, research, and education goals.