The AWdF can provide Student Internships in any of the following subject areas:
Tourism; Event Management; Business Management; IT; Film Making; Photography; Creative industries- graphic design etc; Social Media; Sports Management; Fundraising; Marketing; Marine Biology; Conservation; Environmental Management; Research; Education; Volunteer Management; Communication. We have a long history of providing effective experiential learning programmes both directly with colleges and universities across the UK and Europe and in partnership with the EU’s Erasmus programme. Science We need a constant supply of students interested in cetacean research. We maintain continuous photo identification databases on pilot whales, bottlenose dolphins and migratory species. We also are interested in students keen to work with GIS and Acoustics. Of most interest are students who understand the need to interpret research findings for different target groups- children, boat guides/ owners, tourists, academia etc. ALL our databases are open access and students are encouraged to use the data for academic project work in tandem with sending schools and universities. Creative In Tenerife, we are collaborating with Canary Film, a freelance cooperative of acclaimed and experienced film makers and photographers, and My Video Eye, both long established creative enterprises on the island. Through them, we have created the Global Film Institute which will be an umbrella organisation for planned socio- political and nature driven films and documentaries around the world. The first international films to be sponsored by the GFI in the Autumn of 2018 were be: Mali- Revisiting a Dogun village after twenty years; Vietnam- British and Vietnamese youth studying to be good husbands and wives in the traditional way; Myanmar and the Himalayas- retracing the footsteps of Frank Kingdom Wards (RHS)plant explorer in search of the Blue Poppy. In Tenerife, volunteers will work on film projects on the island, support other students in the use of cameras, work on local film and photographic projects and plan international expeditions. We are more than happy to support other (your) projects that fit our mission. Eco Tourism The project was born out of the eco-tourism initiatives of Proyecto Ambiental Tenerife. We have a strong interest in helping to develop whale watching as a true eco-tourism venture- educational, respectful, supporting the local economy. In this latter respect we are keen to help develop supporting elements of eco-tourism: nature based activities; rural accommodation; cultural activities and local restaurants etc. We have two eco-tourism websites which we use as platforms for this work. We can provide support in: • Developing an appropriate experiential framework to satisfy both curriculum needs and experiential goals • Determining project parameters should a piece of academic work be one of the necessary outcomes • Complete all requisite paperwork including interim reports and feedback • Assign a dedicated supervisor to provide mentoring and academic support Many of our Research Interns are seasoned researchers, but for those that require some extra support from our Research Team, as well as someone to liaise with your sending institution, we offer an optional service in addition to the standard support network provided: Optional One-to-one Mentoring of Research Student (~£25 per week/£100 per Month):
Our Research Students benefit from:
In the first instance, it is necessary to outline your requirements and provide contact details for your academic supervisor in your home institution. Contact [email protected] Internships are delivered through the AWdF’s volunteer programme and at the same nominal cost. They are more structured experiences as an individual mentor is assigned to you and an experiential/academic framework will have been agreed with your academic supervisor/home institution. |
10 scholarships per annum are available for stays of 12 weeks or more, up to 1 year (only pay the first 12 weeks).
Contact Gemma if this would be of interest to you and she will send you a code if this is available. Note: When you reserve your place the total amount of your volunteering will be shown but today you will only have to pay the £50/€50 deposit. The deposit is fully refundable in the event that you can not participate because of COVID-19.