The AWdF can provide Work Experience in any of the following subject areas:
Tourism; Event Management; Business Management; IT; Film Making; Photography; Creative industries- graphic design etc; Social Media; Sports Management; Fundraising; Marketing; Marine Biology; Conservation; Environmental Management; Research; Education; Volunteer Management; Communication…………….. We have a long history of providing effective experiential learning programmes both directly with colleges and universities across the UK and Europe and in partnership with the EU’s Erasmus programme. We can provide support in: • Developing an appropriate experiential framework to satisfy both curriculum needs and experiential goals. • Determining project parameters should a piece of academic work be one of the necessary outcomes. • Assign a dedicated supervisor to provide mentoring and academic support. • Complete all requisite paperwork including interim reports and feed back. In the first instance, it is necessary to outline your requirements and provide contact details for your academic supervisor in your home institution. Contact [email protected] Work experience are delivered through the AWdF’s volunteer programme and at the same nominal cost. They are more structured experiences as an individual mentor is assigned to you and an experiential/ academic framework will have been agreed with your academic supervisor/ home institution. |